Friday, October 8, 2010

45th Reunion? Or....?

I have sent an email and a message to class members already regarding any interest in planning a reunion -- be it 45th or just a get together. Those of you who have already responded don't worry about responding again - there was 100% interest from those who responded...

So I will put the question out there again....

Should we have a 45th reunion in 2012?

Or would you rather just have an informal get together? Pick a place and a time and if you show you show....

Are you interested in helping to plan? Have any ideas?


Pam Moore Barrett --Just heard from Pam Moore Barrett's sister in law (Sandy '66). Pam is fighting breast and bone cancer. She doesn't have a FB page but Sandy is trying to get Danny to set one up for her. I'll try to get mailing/email address and will pass it on when I receive it.


Nancy Searle
Nancy Searle
Married, 42yrs. to Jess (Reitz '67). One daughter Stephanie and 2 beautiful 2 1/2 yr old twin grandchildren, Henry and Emma. We have lived in Tacoma WA since 1972. I am retired Flight Attendant/Excecutive Assistant "jill of all trades". Turned 60 in June (it's just a number, it's just a number...) I dabble in art, but mostly play with ...the grandchildren (Momo). We travel alot. --November 26, 2009 

Janice Jordan Hashem
Janice Jordan Hashem I have been laughing....everyone is commenting on the BIG 60. Now that we are there, might as well push on to 62 to collect the Social Secruity. My husband and I both retired from the Postal Service (five years ago for me and six for him) and we have a condo in Evansville and two in Gulf Shores Alabama. We rent one ...out...we live across the street from the beach. Life is great. I have two daughters and six grandchildren. --November 26, 2009

 Cherie Carnahan Peters
Cherie Carnahan Peters
Married, one daughter Megan - 18 years old, (we adopted her when I was 42! OMG) Mark and I live in Indy. I have been up here since graduating from UE in '71. I am a Medical Technologist, (hospital blood lab), but have worked in a tumor diagnostics lab, - AmeriPath IN for the past 11 years. Love it. Turned 60 in Aug. --November 26, 2009

Brenda Bagby Winterman Baldwin
Brenda Bagby Winterman Baldwin
Married 3 grown kids 8 grandchildren retired living in Mt Vernon, In. I rescue animals and just recently turn the big 60. Oh my God!!!!! --November 20, 2009


Joyce Donaldson
Joyce Donaldson
I am married to Greg and we have lived in Evansville most of our life. We have two sons, Justin and Nick. Justin recently married and moved to Corvallis, Oregon, the first of June. I retired from counseling five years ago and enjoy gardening, cooking and traveling - mostly to Oregon where we are trying our hand at fishing, hiking and snowshoeing. I love everything about the place except their winters! I had to put the snow skis away, unfortunately. --July 2, 2010


 Gloria Vasquez

Gloria Vasquez Gloria Vasquez (Reese) Married to fellow '67 classmate David Simpson for 18 years; now married to Emilio (Ed) Vasquez for 22 years. Two children, both 39, Eli and Michelle. Moved to California in '72 and never left!! Mammoth Lakes, a ski resort, and Baja California are my two homes now. Retired from teaching and a school principal 4 years now. Lovin' life!! --July 1, 2010

Nancy Prusz
Nancy Prusz
Nancy Prusz (Steele) Married for 39 years to Eddie Prusz (Harrison class of 67). We have two sons, Andy and Joe. Andy has 3 sons, Jackson 6, Brady 4, and Mason 1. Joe and Cristina are expecting their 1st baby in Dec. I love being a grandmother ( Nana) !!  --July 1, 2010

Diana Vanell
Diana Vanell
‎(DAME) Married for 39 years to Ben Vanell (class of 65). I am recently retired from Keller Crescent. We have two children, Matt and Jaime and two grandsons and a grand daughter (Riley) that will enter this world on July 12th. We recently invested in a 5th wheeler and plan to travel in the months of January and Febru...ary. (We're coming to see you Janice!!!) We just attended Ben's 45th class reunion. What a hoot! Saw Marshall Goad, Bob Elliot, John Grant, Greg Gordon, Cindy Robinson, Pam Roberts just to mention a few. -- June 3, 2010

Dave Richards
Dave Richards
Thought I was already a member of this, Nancy must have kicked me out. (Just like High School!) Thanks for inviting me back! --June 30, 2010

 Lewanna Burns Lynch