Monday, April 16, 2012

Celebrate Us! Bosse High School Class of 1967 45th Reunion Registration

PLEASE PRINT. Return registration w/payment by JULY 15, 2012
First Name: ______________________________________________________
Last Name: _______________________________________________________
If your last name was different in high school, please provide that name here:
Address: ________________________________________________________
Address 2 _________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________
State: _______
ZIP Code: ______________________
Phone: (please include area code) ________________________________________
Cell phone: __________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
Name of guest: __________________________________________________
YES I want this information to appear in the directory

Please select the activity you will attend:
Friday night meet-and-greet
☐ Friday night “meet-and-greet” (no charge to attend)
☐ I will bring a guest to the Friday night activity
Friday night football
☐ game Bosse v Memorial
$5 per person
Saturday night Reunion Dinner at The Victory
$40 per person
☐ number of people attending
Dinner selection
☐ Herb Chicken
☐ Pork Medallion
☐ Vegetarian Portobello Mushroom
Guest Dinner selection
☐ Herb Chicken
☐ Pork Medallion
☐ Vegetarian Portobello Mushroom
Please make check payable to:
Bosse 45th Reunion
c/o Nancy Searle
950 S. Locust Ln
Tacoma WA 98465
Registration must be received no later than
July 15, 2012
Total tickets

$10 deposit for each player by July 1st
I would like to be paired with:
My handicap is:
☐ I will need clubs (for number of people)
☐ I will need transportation for (number of people)
Please make checks payable to:
Send $10 deposit to:
Donna Levell
9110 Greystone Ct
Evansville, IN, 47712.
Total cost for 18 holes and a cart is $27.20.

This information is available in addition to a complete overview of reunion agenda in pdf format. Please email and a copy will be sent to you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Reunion Committee Meeting, Wed. Mar. 28th

We will meet Wednesday evening Mar. 28th - (place and time to be announced) to set committees and get things rolling into the final planning stages for the reunion. Please mark you calendars and watch this site as well as Facebook - Bosse High School Class of 1967 for updates! If you live in the Evansville area we hope to see you at the meeting. Thanks. If you  have any questions, please contact me at
Nancy Snyder Searle